Establishing Digital Identity Online is one of the most urgent challenges of our time. In the physical world identity is well established, even if a challenging task and relies on authoritative sources such as passports and identity cards, pictures and of course humans' ability to check documents and pick up on suspicious cues.
How do we translate this to the digital realm and scale it up to the levels of the internet ?
There are 3 ways to establish identity these being Something You Know - such as a passwords, Something you Own such as tokens including codes you receive on your mobile and Something you Are - such as biometrics. Properties such as IP addresses, geolocation and device binding to personal computing devices such as desktops and mobile phones especially with the emergence of TPM and TrEE are also increasing by importance. Multi-factor authentication then requires that you provide any 2 of these factors to establish an identity.
Today Digital Identity relies primarily on passwords (something you know) and sometimes not even that in the case of online payments without the use of 3D Secure. We are caught between inadequacy and inconvenience; passwords are not strong enough, at the same time, any attempt to improve security risks making the service unusable or highly inconvenient.
This is what Digital Identity challenge is all about - establishing digital identities securely and conveniently. This is happening against a backdrop of unprecedented levels of attack and disruption, motivated in part by the huge rewards which compromised security can yield and the complete impunity which perpetrators enjoy.
The payments industry was suffering these losses long before the current security crisis; in particular with ecommerce, billions of dollars annually are lost directly to fraud and the industry carries huge costs in managing and preventing fraud. These costs are all borne by merchants and ultimately consumers. The fourth Payment Directive in the EU now requires SCA or Strong Consumer Authentication in the form of 3D Secure.